Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
NYU Hospital for joint Diseases Spine Center
Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon: 212-598-6696
My Practice

NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases Spine Center

Spine Center

The mission of the NYU HJD Spine Center is to provide the finest comprehensive and state-of-the-art care for patients with spine disorders, with the goal of restoring normal function and form and relieving spine-related pain. We are leaders in providing effective treatments, patient education, and advances through spinal research. Dr. Spivak has been the Director of the Spine Center since it's inception in 1997.

Click here to read more about NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases Spine Center.

Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
Awards and Honors - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Publications - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. Specialties
Herniated Discs - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Spinal Stenosis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Adult Scoliosis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
spondylolisthesis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Kyphosis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Microsurgery - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Fractures - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Revision Spine Surgery - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Patient Forms - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Multimedia Patient Education - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
View Movies
New York Best Doctors - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Super Doctors - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Patient Testimonials - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Second Opinion - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
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© Jeffrey M. Spivak M.D. Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon New York NY

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