Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
NYU Hospital for joint Diseases Spine Center
Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon: 212-598-6696
My Practice

Jeffrey M. Spivak M.D.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Mass
BS (Biology)
MS (Neural and Endocrine Regulation)
Cornell University Medical College
New York, NY
Mount Sinai Medical Center
New York, NY
Internship in General Surgery
Hospital for Joint Diseases
Orthopaedic Institute
New York, NY
Resident in Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Fellow in Bioengineering
Thomas Jefferson Medical College &
The Pennsylvania Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Fellow in Spinal Surgery


  • NewYork State

Board Certification

  • Board Certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Hospital Appointment

  • Director, NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases Spine Center

Academic Appointment

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
    New York University School of Medicine

Awards and Honors

  • Castle Connolly top doctor selected for New York Magazine.

  • Cornell University Medical College Dean's Research Prize for "Meniscal Repair Using An Exogenous Fibrin Clot: An Experimental Study in the Dog,"

  • UpJohn Achievement Award for Outstanding Achievement in Pharmacology, CUMC

  • T. Campbell Thompson Prize for Excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery, CUMC

  • Alpha Omega Alpha

  • Student Award for Interns, Residents, and Fellows of the Society for Biomaterials, for "A New Canine Model to Evaluate the Biological Response of Intramedullary Bone to Implant Materials and Surfaces"

  • AOA-Zimmer Resident Travel Award for "A New Canine Model to Evaluate the Biological Response of Intramedullary Bone to Implant Materials and Surfaces"

  • Resident Essay Award of the Arthroscopy Association of North America for "The Effect of Low Level Nd:YAG Laser Energy on Adult Articular Cartilage In Vitro"

  • Senior Resident Research Award of the Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute for "Intramedullary Bone Response to Implant Materials and Surfaces"

  • Frauenthal Traveling Fellowship, awarded by the Hospital for Joint Diseases

  • North American Traveling Fellow of the American Orthopaedic Association

  • Russell Hibbs Award of the Scoliosis Research Society for "An Anatomic Study of L5 Nerve Stretch in Spondylolisthesis Reduction"

Medical Organizations

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
  • New York County Medical Society
  • Medical Society of the State of New York
  • Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)
  • North American Spine Society (NASS)
  • International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISSAS)

Editorial Positions

  • The Spine Journal - Editoral Board Member
  • Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases - Section Editor, Spine
  • Journal of the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons - Consultant Reviewer

Published Articles

  1. Arnoczky SP, Warren RF, Spivak JM: Meniscal repair using an exogenous fibrin clot. J Bone Joint Surg 70-A(8):1209-1217, 1988

  2. Grelsamer RP, Choy DS, Spivak JM: Temperature rise in bone with laser removal of bone cement. Med Orthop 8(5):1-4, 1989

  3. Ricci JL, Spivak JM, Alexander H, Blumenthal NC, Parsons JR: Hydroxyapatite ceramics and the nature of the bone-ceramic interface. Bulletin Hospital Joint Diseases 49(2):178-191, 1989

  4. Spivak JM, Blumenthal NC, Ricci JL, and Alexander H: A new canine model to evaluate the biological effects of implant materials and surface coatings on intramedullary bone ingrowth.  Biomaterials 11:79-82, 1990

  5. Spivak JM, Ricci JL, Blumenthal NC, Alexander H: A new canine model to evaluate the biological response of intramedullary bone to implant materials and surfaces.  J Biomed Mater Res 24(9):1121-1149, 1990

  6. Spivak JM, Zuckerman JD, Kummer FJ, Frankel VH: Fatigue failure of the sliding screw in hip fracture fixation: a report of three cases. J Orthop Trauma 5(3):325-331, 1991

  7. Walters MA, Blumenthal NC, Leung Y, Wang Y, Ricci JL, Spivak JM: Molecular structure at the bone-implant interface: a vibrational spectroscopic characterization. Calc Tissue Int 48:368-369, 1991

  8. Guichet JM, Spivak JM, Trouilloud P, Grammont PM: Lower limb length discrepancy: an epidemiologic study. Clin Orthop Rel Res 272:235-241, 1991

  9. Spivak JM, Grande DA, Ben-Yishay A, Menche DS, Pitman MI: The effect of low-level Nd:YAG laser energy on adult articular cartilage in vitro. Arthroscopy 8(1):36-43, 1992

  10. Ricci JL, Blumenthal NC, Spivak JM, Alexander H: Evaluation of a low-temperature calcium phosphate particulate implant material. J Oral and Maxillofacial Surg 50:969-978, 1992

  11. Frenkel SR, Moskovich R, Spivak JM, Zhang Z, Prewett AB: Demineralized bone matrix enhancement of spinal fusion. Spine  18:1634-1640, 1993

  12. Spivak JM, Neuwirth MG, Giordano CP, Bloom NC: The perioperative course of combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion. Spine 19:520-525, 1994

  13. Spivak JM, Neuwirth MG, Labiak JJ, Kummer FJ, Ricci JL: Hydroxyapatite-enhancement of posterior spinal instrumentation fixation. Spine 19:955-964, 1994

  14. Spivak JM, Balderston RA: Spinal instrumentation. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 6:187-194, 1994

  15. Spivak JM, Weiss MA, Cotler JM, Call M: Cervical spine injuries in patients 65 and older. Spine 19:2302-2306, 1994

  16. Leung Y, Walters MA, Blumenthal NC, Ricci JL, Spivak JM: Determination of the mineral phases and structure of the bone-implant interface using raman spectroscopy. J Biomed Mater Res 29:591-594, 1995

  17. Spivak JM, Vaccaro AR, Cotler JM: Thoracolumbar spine trauma: I. evaluation and classification. J Amer Acad Orthop Surg 3(6):345-352, 1995

  18. Spivak JM, Vaccaro AR, Cotler JM: Thoracolumbar spine trauma: II. principles of management. J Amer Acad Orthop Surg 3(6):353-360, 1995

  19. Choueka J, Spivak JM, Kummer FJ: Flexion failure of posterior cervical lateral mass screws: influence of insertion technique and position. Spine  21(4):462-468, 1996

  20. Petraco D, Spivak JM, Cappadona J, Kummer FJ, Neuwirth MG: An anatomic evaluation of L5 nerve stretch in spondylolisthesis reduction. Spine  21(10):1133-1138, 1996

  21. Liederbach M, Spivak JM, Rose DJ: Scoliosis in dancers. a method of assessment in quick-screen settings. J Dance Medicine & Science 1(3):107-112, 1997

  22. Chen D, Kummer FJ, Spivak JM: Optimal selection and preparation of fresh frozen corticocancellous allografts for anterior interbody lumbar spinal fusion. J Spinal Disorders 10(6):532-536, 1997

  23. Spivak JM: Current Concepts Review - Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.  J Bone Joint Surg 80-A(7):1053-1066, 1998

  24. Kummer FJ, Spivak JM, Chen D: Optimal selection and preparation of fresh frozen corticocancellous allografts for cervical  interbody spinal fusion. Spine 23(21):2295-2298, 1998

  25. Spivak JM, Chen D, Kummer FJ: The effect of locking fixation screws on the stability of anterior cervical plating. Spine 24(4):334-338, 1999

  26. Bai B, Jazrawi LM, Kummer FJ, Spivak JM: The use of an injectable, biodegradable calcium phosphate bone substitute for the prophylactic augmentation of osteoporotic vertebrae and the management of vertebral compression fractures. Spine 24(15):1521-1526, 1999

  27. Bendo JA, Spivak JM, Neuwirth MG: The use of anterior interbody fresh frozen femoral head allograft in circumferential lumbar fusions. J Spinal Disorders 13(2):144-149, 2000

  28. Bendo JA, Spivak JM, Moskovich R, Neuwirth MG: Instrumented posterior arthrodesis of the lumbar spine in patients with diabetes mellitus. Am J Orthopedics 29(8):617-620, 2000

  29. Spivak JM, Bharam S, Chen D, Kummer FJ: Internal fixation of cervical trauma following corpectomy and reconstruction: The effect of posterior element injury. Bull Hosp Joint Diseases 59(1):47-51, 2000

  30. Spivak JM, Hasharoni A: Use of Hydroxyapatite in Spine Surgery. European Spine Journal 10(2S):S197-204, 2001

  31. Hasharoni A, Spivak JM: Internal fixation of thoracolumbar injuries. Seminars in Spine Surgery 14(4):254-264, 2002

  32. Spivak JM: Vertebroplasty: weighing the benefits and risks. American Family Physician 66(4):565, 2002

  33. Chen, AL, Spivak JM: Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis: Options for aging backs. Physician and Sportsmedicine 31(8):25-34, 2003

  34. Gundanna M, Eskenazi M, Bendo J, Spivak JM, Moskovich R: Somatosensory evoked potential monitoring of lumbar pedicle screw placement for in situ posterior spinal fusion. The Spine Journal 3:370-376, 2003

  35. Spivak JM, Johnson MJ: Percutaneous treatment of vertebral body pathology . J Amer Acad Orthop Surg 13(1):6-17, 2005

  36. Kaplan KN, Spivak JM, Bendo JA: Embryology of the spine and associated congenital abnormalities. The Spine Journal 5(5):564-76, 2005

  37. Hale JJ, Gruson KI, Spivak JM: Laminoplasty: a review of its role in compressive cervical myelopathy. The Spine Journal 6(6S):289S-298S, 2006

  38. Zigler J, Delamarter R, Spivak JM, et al.: The results of the prospective, randomized multi-center IDE trial of Prodisc-L vs. circumferential fusion for the treatment of 1-level degenerative disc disease. Spine 32(11):1155-62, 2007

  39. Levin D, Quirno M, Bendo JA, Goldstein JA, Spivak JM, Errico TJ. Comparative charge analysis of one- and two-level lumbar total disk arthroplasty versus circumferential lumbar fusion. Spine 32(25):2905-9, 2007

  40. Bendo JA, Quirno M, Errico TJ, Spivak JM, Goldstein JA. A comparison of two retroperitoneal surgical approaches for disc arthroplasty of the lumbar spine. Spine 33(2) 205-9, 2008

  41. Gluck GS, Bendo JA, Spivak JM: The lumbar spine and low back pain in golf: a literature review of swing biomechanics and injury prevention. The Spine J. 2008 Sep-Oct;8(5):778-88. Epub 2007 Oct 15

  42. Yaszay B, Bendo JA, Goldstein JA, Quirno M, Spivak JM, Errico TJ: Effect of intervertebral disc height on postoperative motion and outcomes after Prodisc-L lumbar disc replacement. Spine 33(5):508-512, 2008

  43. Peng CW, Chou BT, Bendo JA, Spivak JM: Vertebral artery injury in cervical spine surgery � anatomical considerations, management, and preventative measures The Spine J. 9(1):70-76, 2009

  44. Peng CW, Quirno M, Bendo JA, Spivak JM, Goldstein JA: Effect of intervertebral disc height on postoperative motion and clinical outcomes following Prodisc-C cervical disc replacement The Spine J. 9(6):551-555, 2009

  45. Spivak JM and Petrizzo A: Revision Lumbar Prodisc Arthroplasty Following Late Infection. Eur Spine J. 19(5)677-81, 2010

  46. Schwartzkopf R, Chung C, Park J, Walsh M. Spivak JM, Steiger D: The Effects of Perioperative Blood Product Use on Surgical Site Infection Following Thoracic and Lumbar Spinal Surgery Spine Feb 1; 35(3):340-6, 2010

  47. Park JJ, Quirno M, Cunningham MR, Schwartzkopf R, Bendo JA, Spivak JM, Goldstein JA: Analysis of Segmental Cervical Spine Vertebral Motion following Prodisc-C Cervical Disc Replacement, Spine Mar 27, 35:E285-E289, 2010

  48. Spivak JM, Kummer FJ, Chen D, Quirno M, Kammerlink JR: Intervertebral foramen size and volume changes in low grade, low dysplasia isthmic spondylolisthesis, Spine 35(20):1829-1835, 2010

  49. Varlotta G,  Todd Lefkowitz T, Schweitzer M, Errico TJ, Spivak JM, Bendo JA, Rybak L: The Lumbar Facet Joint: A Review of Current Knowledge: part 1: anatomy, biomechanics, and grading, Skeletal Radiology 2010 July 13 (E published ahead of print)

  50. Varlotta G,  Todd Lefkowitz T, Schweitzer M, Errico TJ, Spivak JM, Bendo JA, Rybak L: The Lumbar Facet Joint: A Review of Current Knowledge: part 2: diagnosis and management, Skeletal Radiology 2010 June 26 (E published ahead of print)

  51. Quirno M, Goldstein JA, Kim Y, Bendo JA, Spivak JM: The Incidence of potential candidates for total disc replacement among lumbar and cervical fusion patient populations Asian Spine J. 2011 Dec;5(4):213-9. Epub 2011 Nov 28.

  52. Delamarter R, Zigler JE, Balderston RA, Cammisa FP, Goldstein JA, Spivak JM: Prospective, randomized, multicenter Food and Drug Administration investigational device exemption study of the ProDisc-L total disc replacement compared with circumferential arthrodesis for the treatment of two-level lumbar degenerative disc disease: results at twenty-four months., J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Apr 20;93(8):705-15. Epub 2011 Mar 11.

  53. Apazidis A, Ricart PA, Diefenbach CM, Spivak JM: The prevalence of transitional vertebrae in the lumbar spine.. Spine J. 2011 Sep;11(9):858-62.

  54. Razi AE, Spivak JM, Kummer FJ, Hersh DS, Goldstein JA.:Biomechanical comparison of translaminar screw versus pedicle screw supplementation of anterior femoral ring allografts in one-level lumbar spine fusion., Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis. 2011;69(4):298-302.

  55. Quirno M, Kamerlink JR, Goldstein JA, Spivak JM, Bendo JA, Errico TJ: Outcomes analysis of anterior-posterior fusion for low grade isthmic spondylolisthesis., Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis. 2011;69(4):316-9.


  • Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999
  • Spivak JM, Connolly PJ, Eds: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update Spine 3, AAOS Publications, Rosemont Illinois, 2006

Book Chapters

  1. Zuckerman JD, Spivak JM: Orthopaedic Surgery in the Elderly, in Katlic MR, Ed. Geriatric Surgery, Urban and Schwartzenberg, Baltimore , pp. 597-674, 1990

  2. Ricci JL, Spivak JM, Blumenthal NC, Alexander H: Modulation of Bone Ingrowth by Surface Chemistry and Roughness, in Davies JE, Ed. The Bone-Biomaterial Interface, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 334-349, 1991

  3. Booth R, Spivak JM: Surgical Treatment of Spinal Stenosis, in Schafer MF, Ed. Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 43, pp. 441-449, 1994

  4. Kummer FJ, Spivak JM: Biomaterials. In Kasser JR, Ed. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update V, AAOS Publications, pp. 41-46, 1996

  5. Cuomo F, Lonner JH, Spivak JM, Zuckerman JD: Clinical Evaluation of the Neck and Shoulder, in Nordin M, Andersson G, Pope M, Eds. Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace: Principles and Practice, Mosby-Year Book Inc., pp. 359-377, 1997

  6. Spivak JM, Giordano CP: Cervical Kyphosis in Bridwell KH, Dewald R, Eds. The Textbook of Spinal Surgery, Lippincott-Raven, pp. 1027-1038, 1997

  7. Bendo JA, Spivak JM, Cally DJ, and Letko LJ: Congenital Spinal Deformity, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics:A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 397-402, 1999

  8. Girasole GJ, Kuflik PL, Spivak JM: Spondylolisthesis, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 419-424, 1999

  9. Ohana N, Spivak JM: Degenerative Disease of the Cervical Spine, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 347-354, 1999

  10. Raiszadeh K, Spivak JM: Spine Anatomy and Surgical Approaches, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 63-71, 1999

  11. Spivak JM: Cervical Spine Trauma, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 479-485, 1999

  12. Spivak JM: Spinal Trauma - General Considerations, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 473-477

  13. Spivak JM: Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 487-492, 1999

  14. Spivak JM, Ohana N: Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine, in Spivak JM, DiCesare P, Feldman D, Koval, K, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD, Eds: Orthopaedics: A Study Guide, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 355-364, 1999

  15. Raftery C, Spivak JM: Internal Fixation of the Subaxial Cervical Spine. in SPINE: State of the Art Reviews Hanley & Belfus Inc., Philadelphia13(2):255-273, May 1999

  16. Eskenazi MS, Bendo JA, Spivak JM: Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma: Evaluation and Management, in Current Opinion in Orthopedics, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 11(3):176-185, 2000

  17. Spivak JM, Bendo JA: Lumbar Degenerative Disease, in Koval K (Ed.): Orthopaedic Knowledge Update VII, AAOS Publications, 2001

  18. Spivak JM, Razi A: Cervical Traction and Reduction Techniques, in Vaccaro A (Ed): Fractures of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 263-277, 2003

  19. Spivak JM, Bono PL. Lumbar Fusion, in Koval KJ, Zuckerman, JD (Eds): Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgery: A Multimedia Reference, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Pa, pp. 184-197, 2003

  20. Spivak JM. Posterior Cervical Transfacet Screw Fixation, in Vaccaro A and Albert T (Eds): Spine: Tips of the Trade( 2nd edition), Thieme, New York, pp. 44-6, 2009

  21. Zavatsky J, Zarro C, Lonner B, Spivak JM. Inflammatory Arthropathies, in Errico T and Lonner B (Eds): Textbook of Spinal Deformity , Saunders/Elsevier, New York, pp.381-397, 2009

  22. Yaszay B, Spivak JM. Percutaneous Cement Augmentaton of Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Clinical Perspective, in Siskin (Ed.), Interventional Radiology in Women's Health, Thieme, New York 2009

  23. Spivak JM, Stanley T, Balderston R. Lumbar Disc Arthroplasty, in Herkowitz H, Garfin S, Eismont F, Bell G, and Balderston R (Eds): Rothman and Simeone's The Spine Elsevier, New York 2011

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Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
Awards and Honors - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Publications - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D. Specialties
Herniated Discs - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Spinal Stenosis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Adult Scoliosis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
spondylolisthesis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Kyphosis - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Microsurgery - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Fractures - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Revision Spine Surgery - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Patient Forms - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
Multimedia Patient Education - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
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New York Best Doctors - Jeffrey M. Spivak, M.D.
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